jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

Three reasons of why I am in the reinforcement classes

Imagen relacionada

In this date after all my generation has already finished the school, me and other group of partners still in reinforcement classes becouse we didn´t get the score enought to pass in the first round.
I think that the main reason of why I didn´t pass its that i didn´t put  the responsability that my other classmates made and was enought to obtein the grade to pass, in this moment I can realice that all my bad grades were becouse of the homeworks and other Works that the teacher sent to prepare Us for tests, When I didn´t make those homeworks that chained
That when the teacher took the tests to saw how much we learned of the homework I didn´t can prove how much I learn.
Other reason of Why I am in the reinforcement classes of english its that I didn´t put my blog in order, and never upload all the things that the teacher told Us to put in there, like were the notes that we took in every class, and other stuffs, If I didn´t ignore the blog and the instructions of the teacher to had the blog in order I probably would have passed and I dind´t been writting this and I would being more confortable.
Then of writting about these two main raisons I realized that other fact that really influenced in my last grades was the fact that I lost the hope of pass, When I realized that I had to obtein really good grades to recupérate the bad ones and pass, I give up, and this made that I put less intrest and less effort, with this the only thing I obtein were worst grades and more sadness L
Now I am studying  to pass the exam and can graduate with all my other classmates and Friends, And I think that with this new and last bad experience about the reinforcement class I will consider do the things in a better way, and never stop working hard and the most important think, never stop learning.

martes, 30 de mayo de 2017



Resultado de imagen para niño asombrado

What would happen if you can travel in time and see how the life its without you?
Have you ever asked that to yourself?
Now is the moment when I start to talk about how the life of all the people that its around me would be without me, And I will talk about it like an spectator.
First I will see how the life of my parents is, The first think that come to my mind its that what happened to their relationship without me? The first look its a big shock to me, Their are not toghether! I can see how both of them continue their lifes in different ways,  they choose the same career but their are very much advanced in that past. Their end the university really quick and start to work much earlier that they did with me, after that, their meet other couples and start to have a life completely different that the life that their have now!
I cant keep specting all that! So i keep seeing how the life of my others relatives are, I start seeing how the life of my grandparents are, And it isnt like I was specting, their are both alone becouse my parents went early, they dont look happy, it makes me sad but in the other hand I it makes me feel a Little happy, becouse I can apreciate for the first time in the travel how not all the things are good without me, there is suffer too caused by my ausence.
After that visit I went to see mi uncle´s and for my sorprise their life has been really afected in this point! It seems like their life have a complete spin, the Little sister of my mother has a son, and i think that its becouse she never see how to take care of a child is without me in their life, .
That scene really makes me feel sad.
When I end of visita ll my relatives I remember that i was forgeting something really important, my Friends! So i went to see how are them without me, and the first thing that I notice is that there is something that i had never seen before using my place.
I suposed that without me aplying to the inscription to the “San Gabriel “ high school someone else could take my place there, but not just that has changed, some close Friends are not like their are right now, their seem a Little different, in the way of talk, expresions and movements, I just can suposed hat i really have some influence in my Friends and all the people that its around me.
Now that I am back in my time I can notice how all the people can be afected for just one person that mean something in their life, And now I can really take care of all the people that its around me like they do with me.

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Reflexión #2

En esta semana he intentado aprender aprender de los errores de la semana anterior, he logrado ser más paciente y eso me ha ayudado a ser más responsable con mis deberes, aunque en esta semana no he sido tan responsable como he podido en algunas materias ni he dado mi máximo esfuerzo,ya que en varias pruebas he estudiado lo mínimo y no he demostrado mis verdaderos conocimientos durante la misma,  con la ayuda de proyectos he aprendido lo importante que es el trabajo en equipo, ya que durante esos trabajos y exposiciones grupales es necesario hacerlo, y al hacerlo bien se obtienen grandes resultados y como debo seguir desarrollándolo para poder tener un mejor desempeño, pero mi mayor aprendizaje ha sido que además de todo esto tener una buena actitud es necesaria, ya que si no me comporto de una manera adecuada todos los esfuerzos anteriores serán en vano. 

domingo, 26 de marzo de 2017



A lo largo de esta semana he aprendido que debo tener más paciencia y concentrarme en el lugar en el cuál me encuentro, debo intentar mejor cada semana aprendiendo de los errores que voy cometiendo cada vez, además he aprendido que si me esfuerzo y estudio como debo seré recompensado de igual manera, obtendré lo que merezco .

martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Here you can check the google drive files!
take a look


lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

Here You can Find a Quick explanaition of some Times

Check it! (Click on the picture)

Simple PastSimple PresentFuture I Simple
a moment in timeaction that takes place once, never or several timesHe played football every Tuesday.He plays football every Tuesday.He will / is going to play football every Tuesday.
actions that happen one after anotherHe played football and then he went home.He plays football and then he goes home.He will play football and then he will go home.
stateHe loved football.He loves football.He will love football.
Past ProgressivePresent ProgressiveFuture I Progressive
a period of timeaction going on at that momentHe was playing football.He is playing football.He will be playing football.
actions taking place at the same timeHe was playing football and she was watching.He is playing football and she is watching.He will be playing football and she will be watching.
Past Perfect SimplePresent Perfect SimpleFuture II Simple
resultaction taking place before a certain moment in time; emphasises the resultHe had won five matches until that day.He has won five matches so far.He will have won five matches by then.
Past Perfect ProgressivePresent Perfect ProgressiveFuture II Progressive
Course / Durationaction taking place before a certain moment in time (and beyond), emphasises the durationHe had been playing football for ten years.He has been playing football for ten years.He will have been playing football for ten years.

lunes, 13 de marzo de 2017

Cover Letter 

March 6, 2017

Mr Carlos Burbano
Je´crime Le´France
Av Republica del Salvador 302

Dear Mr Burbano
I am writing this letter answering to the advertising of March 4,2017 for the position of front desk receptionist. My background includes five years of receptionist in the Santa Claritas´s hospital of childs and I worked all my childhood in my parent´s restaurant as the receptionist, i was in charge of talk with all the people that came over there , and they were a lot and all kind of people.
I Think that I will give the best of me in that job, and you will be happy of having me over there, no doubts.

Resultado de imagen para walt disney firma

Sebastián Maldonado 

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017


                                               Present prefect

Resultado de imagen para present perfect structure
I have won several awards in Math.

I have successfully worked in many school projects.

Academic achievements

-I have won a lot of prices since I am in the kinder 

Resultado de imagen para premios guarderias

- I have succesfully obtein a certificate in my school of English

Resultado de imagen para diplomas en inglés
- I have won a soccer tournament in the school and i obtein a trophy
Resultado de imagen para Trofeos de fútbol
-I have won a math contest in the school, i recieved  a diploma 
Resultado de imagen para math diploma

- I have recieved a certificate in the last year of school for "attitude"
Resultado de imagen para niño sonriendo
- I have won other certificate of english in the first year of the High school, i didnt won the contest, but i participate 

Resultado de imagen para niño sonriendo
- In First of bachillerato I have participated  on the science fair 
Resultado de imagen para science fair

Those where all my academic archivements, I hope you have enjoyed it! 


Resultado de imagen para simple past

He sang on my last birthday party
Resultado de imagen para johnny sins happy birthday

              I worked in Coca- Cola
Resultado de imagen para coca cola

                Did She love me?
Resultado de imagen para no me ama

He moved to Canada  

Resultado de imagen para Alces de canadá

Three reasons of why I am in the reinforcement classes In this date after all my generation has already finished the school, me and ...